No Ink (The Magic Shoe - Ep4)Synopsis Discover the Magic Shoe’s fantastical journey in search of its lost twin, where it lives an adventure like no other shoe before!...
Ben and Mimi - Mimi and BenSynopsis Stuck in a claustrophobic marriage, a woman begins an emotional affair with a caterpillar. Our Review This short film on subtle...
Getaway RetreatSynopsis A road trip takes a turn for the worst, when a father watches his daughter get kidnapped. Director - Anastasia Boyett Credits...
EngagedSynopsis Engaged is a short thriller about LAPD Captain who is a gruesome serial killer. With his charm he traps women into thinking he...
The Mirror of HerSynopsis Struggling to come out to her mother, a teenager is reminded of the beauty that comes with honesty and truth. Our Review The...
LeftoversSynopsis Peter finally enjoys his wife Maggie's cooking. After comparing last nights meatloaf dinner dog food, he is stunned to find out...
A Stable HolidaySynopsis Skeptic of sappy seasonal films, Sarah finds herself in the center of a holiday love movie with a twist. Our Review Stable...