The Mega Plush - Episode ISet in the shadows of a gritty underworld, a war is brewing. The Mega Plush, a group of four plush toy vigilantes, are struggling against...
City of my heartA personal glimpse into Madrid, an experimental urban cityscape, an ode to life through a dance. Director Biography - Kostas Petsas A...
Wind BackA sealed door divides a little boy from his mother. He will go to great lengths to be with her, but when that barrier breaks down, the...
A beautiful sundayA couple goes for a sunday ride at countryside, until they've been involved at an accident ,and soon they realize, that there is no easy...
FadeAfter a long and heated argument, Della's boyfriend attempts to kill her. In the middle of the attack, he seemingly changes his mind and...
BrokenThe story of a young lady who has suffered many things in her life that has causes her to become bitter and revengeful and someone has to...