Synopsis: A young couple meets up together to say their final goodbye.
Our Review:
As we start to read the script, a beautiful but dull young violet and a handsome and playful Peter comes alive and vivid. To lose someone, with one whom we share our joy & sorrow, our success & failure, our past & future is terrible.
Both violet and Peter steal our heart and make us grieve for them. It makes me wish, oh God, can’t you give them another chance! The ending words of Peter “To hold on to ones memories but to let go of the person” is beautifully written. To move on in life is so important though at times it seems impossible. The graceful smile on violet and Peter towards the end makes you feel happy for both though with a heavy heart.
Writer - Talia Sajor
Project Type: Screenplay, Short Script
Number of Pages: 8
Country of Origin: United States
Language: English
First-time Screenwriter: Yes
Student Project: No