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Oasis (Short Film Screenplay)

Updated: Feb 14


When a girl reaches a certain level of physical maturity, regardless of her age, she can no longer be considered a child. She must don a paper bag over her body, so as not to tempt the men around her. In "Oasis," Diana, like the many girl cousins and aunts before her, is forced into the paper bag at her family's 4th of July cookout. However, her desire to cling to her identity pushes Diana to escape the confines of the paper bag and discover what options live at the margins of her world. In discovering The Oasis, Diana finds kinship, girlhood, and freedom from the gazes of those who tried to control her.

Writer - Maya Corwin

Our Review

"Oasis" by Maya Corwin narrates how women are often conditioned to live in an unfree world. The sexualization of women is a centuries-old practice that has resulted in a shame-based approach, subjecting every woman to possible violence and objectification. Women were and still are perceived as initiators of sexual violence, deeply rooted in this society and its approach, reinforced by false morale, preaching, and values. Such a society sees women primarily as sexual subjects. "The Oasis" reflects Diana's discovery of kinship, where women have only each other to rely on. The script highlights the importance of identifying as a woman, not in relation to men. It's vital to learn who one is and what one is capable of without control, as only in that state can one enjoy the freedom of being truly liberated.


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