Synopsis Charlie, a cinema usher, is smitten by a beautiful Thursday visitor. He believes that she could be the key to his happiness within his mundane life. But is it that simple?
Director - Radka Vašendová
Our Review
This comedy short film is a work of art that brings more profundity than one would expect. The film is a testament to the brilliance of the cast who deliver stunning performances, bringing the story to life in a truly remarkable way. The film is shot in black and white, which adds a timeless quality to the story, allowing the audience to sit back and enjoy the bygone days of classic cinema. The chemistry between the two lead characters, Charlie and Lily, is a highlight of the film, and their performances are so beautiful that color was not necessary to convey the emotions and depth of their characters. The cinematography is nothing short of breathtaking. Each shot is beautifully framed and composed, adding to the overall cinematic experience. The ending may not be what is expected, but it is happy and satisfying in its own unique way. This is not a run-of-the-mill love story, but rather a profound exploration of the human experience, relationships, and the nature of happiness. Overall, this short film is a true gem that should not be missed. Its timeless quality, memorable lines, outstanding cinematography, and brilliant cast make it a must-see for anyone who appreciates great cinema.
Radka Vašendová Director
Radka Vasendova Writer
Alex Shin Producer
Luke Hunter Key Cast "Charlie"
Gemma Wallace Key Cast "Lily"
Ben Robinson Key Cast "Doug"
Project Type: Short
Genres: Romance, Comedy
Runtime: 13 minutes 27 seconds
Completion Date: May 26, 2022
Production Budget: 2,500 GBP
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Country of Filming: United Kingdom
Language: English
Shooting Format: Digital
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Film Color: Black & White
First-time Filmmaker: Yes
Student Project: Yes - Middlesex University