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Short Filmz
A website to support Independent filmmakers

Fresh Cut Flowers (Screenplay)
Set post-2008 financial crisis, Fresh Cut Flowers is a genre-bending heist film featuring four women of color, all with unique skills and...

Tell The Story (Screenplay)
When planning a home invasion, you MUST obey three rules. #1. Have the element of surprise. #2. Bring tools & backup. #3. Never under ANY...
The other Anna (Screenplay)
Anna is getting ready for her date with Josh. Everything is fine until Josh decided to push Anna to have sex. Anna is unable to come to...

Piggy (Screenplay)
Piggy follows the aftermath of a young man who gets in trouble with the law for a little mischief. The events that unfold afterward...

Last Year's Tomorrow (Screenplay)
A young woman struggles to move forward in the wake of tragedy. Writer Biography - Steven Heil Steven Heil wrote, directed, and edited...

@Bella_issimo (Screenplay)
An online beauty tutorial hides a dark secret. Writer - Sarah Lally Specifications Project Type: Short Script Number of Pages: 5 Country...
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