Extreme Vacation (Feature Film Screenplay)
Synopsis: Extreme Vacation is a thriller about a work-obsessed father who takes his family on a remote island vacation -- finds evidence...
A website to support Independent filmmakers
Extreme Vacation (Feature Film Screenplay)
The Colorful Mind of Jayce Dean Parker
All That Glitters is Bronze
The Rough and Tumble
Deep Ascent (Short Film Screenplay)
The Pit and the Pendulum - a musicabre
Vax Effect (Short Film Screenplay)
Dreidel (Short Film Screenplay)
Droid Story
Bernieke Fitts (Feature Film Screenplay)
Bas Paanch minute ( Just 5 Minutes more..)
Waiting for Eve
Carry On (Short Film Screenplay)
Admonition (Short Film Screenplay)
Fins (Short Film Screenplay)
A Better Place (Short Film Screenplay)
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